jueves, 9 de noviembre de 2017


Day 7 (Sunday, November 18th)

We reached the end of our trip, we found places that we never imagined and had a great time.
Our route will arrive to Puerto Natales then Punta Arenas and there we will take the plane to get to Santiago.

Resultado de imagen para end animados


Day 6 ( Saturday, November 17 th)

Today we will do our last activity, the most expected is rafting on the Serrano River.
We got into the raft and my friend did not affirm well and fell, then the guides went to save her. We were scared but then we laughed because I got all wet.

Resultado de imagen para rafting en el rio serrano


Day 5 (Friday, November 16th)

the night is very cold and it started to snow, we could sleep, now we have to go kayak in the gray lake.
We were very sad because we could not do kayaking because of the glacier grey a lot of iceberg came off and they were very dangerous

Resultado de imagen para glaciar grey derritiendose


Day 4 (Thursday, November 15th)

We are very sleepy and we have to do trekking in the Gray Lake.
On the way we met Huemules and Ñandues, who were very angry and began to persecute us.
The walk lasted 1 hour and as we liked the place so much we wanted to camp there because the next day we had another activity.
Imagen relacionada


Day 3(Wednesday, November 15th)

It was a very noisy and cold night...why? Because my friend told me " I'll book for us" but she forgot!!! and we spent the whole day looking for accomodation, and everything was FULL.
Luckily I had my tent, so we spent our first night in the middle of the town square inside my thin tent and hardly sleeping because of the snoorings of my noisy dear friend.

Today we are going to walk in the Paine massif and we are going to camp there.
It is already dark and it started to rain even with an electrical storm and we were very frightened and could not sleep.

It's already dawning and it's cloudy and today's journey is to go to Grey Lake.

Resultado de imagen para macizo del paine

martes, 7 de noviembre de 2017


DAY 2 (Tuesday, November 14th)

Oh Gosh! I can't move because of my nerves! (or is it because of the cloudy and icy day???)
I could hardly sleep last night, so I got up very early.
We arrived to Punta Arenas very late last night, and now I am taking the bus for a 2 hour trip straight to Puerto Natales and then Torres del Paine.
We'll stay in Hotel Loberias del Sur, a very cozy and nice place. My friend did the reservations.

Now it's 9 am and my best friend will be on this 5 "exciting-fabulous- best friends vacations days" adventure with me, but she is not here yet (she's taking my nerves.... actually i want to kill her!!!) the bus is almost to leave and if she is not here soon it will be a 5 alone- adventure days .
Resultado de imagen para hotel loberias del sur

sábado, 4 de noviembre de 2017


DAY 1(Monday, Novembrer 13th) 

The day has come!Today I´m going to Torres del Paine. I'm so excited!!! In spitethere will be a cold and almost windy day, nothing will spoil my day.

There are many ways to travel there, but the one that I chose was from Santiago to Punta Arenas (by plane) and from there I'll  go by bus straight to my adventure:  Torres del Paine
Resultado de imagen para ruta de santiago a punta  arenas- torres del paine

For this trip I brought two important things . First my travel agenda (where i'll write about the trip, of course) and second, my travel  equipment. 
the things I took were:
Map, Compass, Rope, Rucksack, Sleeping bag, Gloves, Torch, Tent, First aid kit, Waterproof chothes, Stove, Helmet, insect repellent, satellite phone, sunglasses and sunscreen.                                   

Resultado de imagen para equipamiento de campamento


jueves, 2 de noviembre de 2017

What will happen in my adventure?

What will happen in my adventure?
  • Torres del Paine is in Chile (in the south) in the region Magallanes an the Chilean Antartica, more than one hundred kilometers from Puerto Natales

Resultado de imagen para map in chile in torres del paineResultado de imagen para map in chile in torres del paine

Resultado de imagen para flora y fauna de torres del paine}

  • its unique flora and fauna in the world, its surprising heights and its uneven topography become an obligatory to destination to visit.                                                    
  • the birds and animals easier to find are condors, ñandues, pumas, gray foxes, etc... 

  • Today is Monday, November 6 and next week I will start my journey

let's start the trip